Thu, 26 Aug 1999

Street brawls getting worse

From Moneter Indonesia

Street brawls among high school students are an everyday sight in Jakarta. The situation has become more serious because sharp weapons are now used, which have resulted in deaths. For parents whose sons are nearing adulthood the brawls have become a great concern. We are saddened every time we hear or read about these fights.

The reasons for the street brawls remain a mystery. Although, the pattern of creating fights with other schools resembles a security forces pattern of action. The fighting among high school students may be an imitation of some of the student's fathers or brothers who are security personnel. There is a saying that the apple does not fall far from the tree. The fighting among high school students is one of the many things learned from their elders.

As a parent I am extremely worried about the safety of my son who is now studying at a high school in Central Jakarta. As a mother of many children, I humbly request the students involved in the street brawls stop their fighting, as they do not benefit anyone. There is more loss than benefit. They should realize that they have been raised to form the next generation to replace their parents.

