Sun, 17 Oct 2004

Steps to recognize and treat RLS

Closer look

The sensations of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) have the following features: * Occur during periods of inactivity * Become more sensitive in the evening and at night * Are relieved by movement of the limb * Often cause difficulty staying or falling asleep, which leads to feelings of daytime tiredness or fatigue * May cause involuntary jerking of the limbs during sleep and sometimes during wakefulness

Frequently asked questions:

* What are the newest treatments for RLS?

No drugs have been approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of RLS. Several drugs approved for other conditions have undergone clinical studies in RLS and are found to be helpful.

What non-drug treatments are recommended for RLS?

Self-directed activities that counteract your sensations of RLS appear to be very effective, although temporary, solutions to managing the disorder.

You may find that walking, stretching, taking a hot or cold bath, massaging your affected limb, applying hot or cold packs, using vibration, performing acupressure, and practicing relaxation techniques (such as biofeedback, meditation, or yoga) may help reduce or relieve your symptoms.

You may also find that keeping your mind actively engaged through activities such as reading a gripping novel, performing intricate needlework, or playing video games helps during times that you must stay seated, such as when you are traveling.

Is it possible to have RLS in other areas of the body?

Yes, RLS can affect the arms or even the trunk. One publication even noted RLS symptoms that occurred in a patient's face.

Do I need any tests to diagnose RLS?

After ruling out other medical conditions as the cause of your symptoms, your healthcare provider can make the diagnosis of RLS by listening to your description of the sensations.

No laboratory test confirms your diagnosis of RLS; however, a thorough examination, including necessary laboratory tests, can reveal temporary disorders, such as iron deficiency, that may be associated with RLS. Some people (including those with PLMS and without the abnormal limb sensations of RLS) will require an overnight testing of sleep to determine other causes of the sleep disturbance.

Is RLS hereditary?

RLS often runs in families. Researchers are currently looking for the gene or genes that may be responsible for RLS.

Is there a known cause for RLS?

Research into the cause of RLS is ongoing and answers are limited. The type of RLS that runs in families is know as primary or familial RLS. The syndrome can also appear as a result of another condition, which worsens the underlying RLS. If you have no family history of RLS and no underlying or associated conditions causing the disorder, your RLS is said to be idiopathic, meaning without a known cause.

How common is RLS?

Rigorous epidemiologic studies into the true prevalence of RLS are underway. However, several studies have been conducted that look at the rate of response to questions such as do you have a creepy, crawly sensation in your legs at night when you attempt to sleep? Positive rates have ranged from 3 percent to 15 percent.

-- Source: Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation: