Wed, 04 Feb 1998

Statement by PM Bandaranaike

On this occasion of the 50th anniversary of our independence from British colonial rule, we as Sri Lankans can be happy over several events that have taken place in our country. Foremost among them is the sense of dignity springing in us that we are free from colonial control. We are equally happy that our precious heritage as represented in our language, the arts, religion and generally our culture with which we were endowed as a free nation, has come into its own. Consequently we have been able, during the 50 years past, to place before the world all these achievements and values and thereby ensure prominence for Sri Lanka.

It was the social transformation that Mr. Bandaranaike brought about in 1956 that caused a more meaningful awakening of the freedom gained in 1948. Subsequently in 1972 during my period in office when Sri Lanka was declared a "Free and Sovereign Republic" any other remaining bondages that may have been left in relation to other foreign countries were cast off entirely.

If we are to further safeguard and maintain the freedom thus gained we should always secure the support and assistance of other countries. Particularly as a developing nation we must constantly maintain friendly relations with other countries. In this sphere, our Foreign Policy is of importance.

As Sri Lanka was then wise enough to pursue a policy of nonalignment, we were able to enjoy our freedom without hindrance. We were in a position to mediate even in international issues owing to our background of nonalignment. Subsequently with such progressive steps as the nationalization of plantations, we were able to ensure for ourselves the rightful ownership of our patrimony, the land of our country.

On this occasion when we are commemorating a significant milestone of our independence, it is important for us to assess how far we have been able to safeguard and maintain our freedom as a nation.

The then leaders who fought for freedom were not divided by race, religion, caste, etc. and spearheaded the struggle unitedly. And they achieved the goal of independence. Today when we are celebrating that freedom, we should reflect on any possible shortcomings there might have been on our part and make good any wrongs. Here solidarity and national unity are the important factors. I consider it the most important task for everyone of us living in Sri Lanka and we should bring about a healthy future for the coming generation.

As we thus celebrate a half-a-century of freedom, we fervently cherish the memories of all our patriotic national heroes and our ancestors who fought for independence and freedom whether their names are now recorded in history or not. We also fervently call to mind the patriotic heroes of the war who laid down their lives fighting at the battle front for the tenure, freedom and security of our country.

Let us also determinedly take steps to make the national flag the symbol of our Independence and proceed to show it the respect that it is due.

Let us present to the world our national identity as a proud and dignified people.