Wed, 12 Nov 1997

State facilities for Papuans

MADANG, Irian Jaya: The Merauke regency office says all public facilities available in the area can be used by citizens of Papua New Guinea living close to the border, Antara said.

These facilities include primary and senior high schools, health centers, markets and public transportation, said head of the Merauke sociopolitical office Alex Sayono.

The offer applies to Papuans from the Western province, he said after attending the regular Border Liaison Meeting between Indonesian and PNG officials.

The Indonesian and PNG governments have issued special traveling passes for people who live on or close to the border between Indonesia's Irian Jaya province and Papua New Guinea.

Alex said that the Irian Jaya administration is currently building an international school in Sota, Merauke, about 70 kilometers from the Papuan border, which will also be opened to children from Papua New Guinea.

The meeting also agreed to open a shipping service linking Merauke and Bensbach in the Western province of Papua New Guinea, Antara said. (emb)