Tue, 09 Jul 1996

Stability priority in Nabire

NABIRE, Irian Jaya: Military chief Col. Marlyn Nainggolan said that the military's priority now is to ensure stability and security in the town.

"We have been conducting investigations but right now being in control of the situation is crucial," he told The Jakarta Post yesterday.

Nainggolan was referring to the riot staged by nearly 3,000 disgruntled civil service job applicants last Tuesday in Nabire, 3,150 kilometers (1,960 miles) northeast of Jakarta.

According to Marlyn, the positions will not be filled until further instructions from Irian Jaya's governor.

Marlyn added that when the situation has calmed down the suspected perpetrators will be dealt with according to the law.

"There was no political motive behind the action," he claimed.

Four people were reportedly shot when they tried to grab a soldier's rifle and nine others were injured.

A local prison was set on fire, with 41 prisoners having since reoccupied the penitentiary and not fleeing as previously reported.

"Overall the building is OK, it's just the roof that needs to be fixed," Marlyn said, adding that seven additional guards have been deployed around the compound.

Meanwhile, local job seekers continue to complain that they are not being tested more for general knowledge than for their technical skills, Antara reported. (14)