Mon, 15 Jul 1996

St. Anthony's relics returned

DILI, East Timor: After being carried in procession around the province for ten days, St. Anthony's relics were flown out of Dili to be returned to their eternal home in Rome, Italy, last week.

Relics of St. Anthony, were showed around East Timor's regencies of Manatuto, Baucau, Same, Aileu, Bobonaro, Liquisa and Dili.

"The Catholic community here feel empowered by the relics' presence," Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo said when he delivered the relics to three Franciscan' priests.

According to Antara, the relics procession drew great crowds wherever it went.

Riding on trucks, buses and motorcycles, thousands of people took part in a procession from the Motael church to the Comoro airport last Thursday night.

"St. Anthony set an example for Catholics about loving God and each other," head of East Timor's religious office F. Susanto Purbokusumo said. (14)