Sun, 05 Jun 2005

Speak Up:

'Pollution ... makes Jakarta a very bad place to live in'

In observation of World Environment Day, which falls on Sunday, June 5, the authors of A Forest of Fables, students of Grade 5, SD Mentari, share their thoughts on the natural world -- and how to protect it.

Question: Why are some animals endangered? Answer: Some animals are endangered because some people want their fur for money and to hunt them down. (Dyno) - It is because the lumberjacks keep cutting down the trees and killing animals. (Joshua) - Because people hunt them and actually people want to get their skin or fur to get money. (Nazha) - Mostly because people hunt them for something useless and their houses (habitats) get smaller and smaller. (Kartika) - Some animals are endangered because people hunt them. Not for the meat but for money. (Melati)

Can you name any endangered animals? - Tiger, rhino, elephants and komodo. (Joshua) - Tigers, komodos and rhinos. (Darren) - Eagles, birds of paradise and rhinos. (Marsya) - Rhinos, crocodiles and elephants. (Melati)

What is your favorite endangered animal? Why? - My favorite endangered animal is the tiger, because I like the way it hunts and its lifestyle. I like its sharp teeth. I just don't get why people hate them so much. (Maura) - My favorite endangered animal is the orangutan because they didn't do anything but people just want their skin and to frame them for decoration. (Shanna) - My favorite endangered animals is the cuscus because it looks kind and cute. (Tamara) - Javan Leaf Monkeys, because they are slender and graceful monkeys with long tails and they look like humans. (Febi) - My favorite endangered animals are the tiger and the green turtle. I like tigers because they help us realize that if they attack/scare us, it is our fault. The babies are cute. I like the green turtle because they help me imagine swimming in the deep blue ocean -- mostly in clear water. (Kartika) - My favorite endangered animal is the orangutan because it is like human being and is friendly and smart. (Michelle) - My favorite endangered animal is the cuscus because it's very cute and I don't want to see them suffering because the forests are cut down. (Maudy) - My favorite endangered animal is the rhino because they are cute and huge. (Azaa) - Elephants, because they are smart, friendly and helpful. (Ditha) - The komodo, because we can only find it in Indonesia. (Melati)

How do you think we can protect the endangered animals here in Indonesia? - Build more zoos, don't cut anymore forests down, don't hurt animals and put hunters in prison. (Margo)

How can we look after the environment? - By planting more trees, not wasting fuel, building less factories and recycling. (Dyno) - Don't use (so) much transportation, don't cut trees, if you do not need something, don't buy it. (Shanna) - By planting more trees, flowers and other plants. (Tasha)

Why is looking after the environment important? - Because without any trees/forests, we wouldn't get fresh air. (Margo) - If we don't have a good environment, animals will die. If people from other countries come to Jakarta, they will think it's disgusting. (Shanna) - If all the plants are cut down, the animals have no plants to eat and the herbivores will die and the carnivores will have no more herbivores to eat. (Maudy)

How do you feel about the pollution here in Jakarta? - I feel that pollution destroys our country. Our people get sick and animals are also harmed. (Dyno) - I feel that it's disturbing the life cycle of both humans and animals. It's ruining our country and we're better off without it. (Maura) - I feel that pollution destroys our environment and makes Jakarta a very bad place to live in. We should help pollution from getting worse. (Michelle) - I feel that my homeland is now broken and needs to be fixed. (Azza)

How can we make Jakarta a green city? - I think we can make Jakarta a green city by planting more trees, recycling, reuse stuff and reducing the amount of garbage. (Maura) - We have to plant more trees and we cannot build factories all around so there will be less pollution and plant more gardens like in Medan. And don't throw poisonous chemicals and garbage into the river. (Nazha) - We can plant more trees, use the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and not throw (out) garbage everywhere. (Shanna) - We can make Jakarta a green city by planting more trees, not throwing chemical and poison into the river(s), collecting things that we can recycle. (Michelle) - We can first reduce pollution, (and by) recycling, reducing and reusing our trash. We can also reduce the amount of pollution by not using "too" many cars. (Febi)

What do you do at home to reduce the amount of pollution? - I don't burn trash and I use recycled folders and bags. (Ditha) - I will use less water, less oil, not burn trash and I recycle bags and folders. (Tasha)