Fri, 26 Jul 1996

South Korean's guard murdered

JAKARTA (JP): An employee of a South Korean businessman was stabbed to death yesterday by four unidentified men in the Tanah Abang district, Central Jakarta.

Central Jakarta Police Chief Lt. Col. Abubakar Nataprawira said Hamid Suyanto, 24, was stabbed in his face, body and legs.

Hamid had worked as a security guard for several months at the export-import company of his employer, Lee Koo Sik, 43.

During the past month, on Lee's request, Hamid had slept in Lee's minivan parked outside the house, since a thief stole the car's dashboard.

He said police found two swords and one machete next to Hamid's body at the site on Jl. Bendungan Jatiluhur.

The killers escaped in their own minivan, Abubakar said.

Quoting Lee and neighbors, Abubakar said that early yesterday morning Hamid had apparently woken up when he heard a suspicious sound. He got out of the car and was suddenly attacked by the men, Abubakar added.

The suspects had escaped by the time Lee and his neighbors arrived on the scene after hearing Hamid scream.

"The men, who probably wanted to burgle Lee's house, were surprised when they met Hamid," Abubakar said, adding that Hamid had apparently tried to fight his assailants. Hamid was found lying in a nearby gutter.

Hamid died on the way to the Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. The nearby Navy hospital had refused to admit Hamid as his injuries were considered too serious.

Hamid, survived by a pregnant wife and two sons, will be buried in his hometown of Magelang, Central Java. (jun)