Thu, 25 Jul 1996

Some injured in student brawls

JAKARTA (JP): Two separate brawls among students took place yesterday in front of police offices in Central Jakarta, leaving a number of students injured from stone-throwing incidents.

The first brawl occurred in front of the Central Jakarta Police precinct on Jl. Salemba, when two groups of senior high school students threw stones at each other. They also damaged the windshield of a public bus.

Dozens of students from junior high schools were involved in a brawl in front of the Tanah Abang Police subprecinct on Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur. The students fled when police tried to disperse them.

Central Jakarta Police Chief Lt. Col. Abubakar Nataprawira said he would instruct his subordinates to step up efforts to reduce the rising number of brawls among students

"It's time for us to get tougher on brawling students," Abubakar said.

At least 10 students have been killed in separate brawls in the city over the past six months. (jun)