Wed, 11 Oct 1995

Solve problems at early stage

PONTIANAK, West Kalimantan: Minister of Transmigration Siswono Yudohusodo told local officials on Monday to nip resettlement problems in the bud.

Addressing officials at a working meeting Monday, Siswono said Indonesia's transmigration program has for some time been under international scrutiny, because it allegedly destroys local cultures. He said that even one wrong move could draw an unfair amount of attention.

"If we achieve 10 successes in the transmigration program, there's no positive comment. But if there's one bad thing, it becomes big news," he said.

"Avoid problems developing into tension," he was quoted as saying by Antara news agency. Responding to reports about problems in the resettlement programs in the Sanggau and Kapuas Hulu regencies, Siswono ordered his staff to immediately find solutions.

"I don't want to hear more. Just solve them immediately," he said. (swe)