Mon, 15 Jul 1996

Soldier jailed for killing

DILI, East Timor: The military tribunal here sentenced a soldier to eight month last week for "unintentionally" shot and killed a local youth.

The council of judges presided over by Lt. Col. D. Sitorus found Second Lieutenant Eka Hardiyanto guilty of shooting dead Paulino Dos Reis, 21, in Baucau, on April 25, 1996.

Earlier, the prosecutor had demanded that the accused be sentenced to nine months in jail.

Sitorus said in the verdict the incident happened when Eka meant to intervene in a bitter argument between the victim and a stranger.

Eka fired a warning shot after the victim hurled stones and abusive words at the convict, but the bullet fatally hit the victim, the judge said as reported by Antara. (31)