Wed, 14 Jul 2004

Soerjadi wants more PBSI candidates

JAKARTA: The former chairman of the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI), Soerjadi, feels two candidates for the PBSI chairman position are not enough.

Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso and media tycoon Dahlan Iskan are running for the PBSI's top post left vacant by Chairul Tanjung. A new chairman will be elected at an extraordinary meeting on Saturday in Jakarta.

"Choosing one person from only two is definitely much simpler than choosing from a hundred, but one may question the quality of the chosen person," Soerjadi said.

Soerjadi, who served as chairman from 1993 to 1997, questioned the urgency of holding the meeting, saying the conflict within the PBSI was due to a lack of communication and could be resolved by organizing a meeting between the regional chapters and the central board -- JP.