Tue, 02 Jul 1996

Soeharto's plan on National Police welcomed

JAKARTA (JP): Former senior police officers have warmly welcomed President Soeharto's plan for the continuation of the police force's development.

"It's an extraordinary plan that the police force should adopt in an optimum and professional way," former National Police chief, retired general Awaloedin Djamin, told The Jakarta Post after the Police Day ceremony yesterday.

In his speech at the ceremony of the 50th Police anniversary, President Soeharto said that the government would continue to strengthen the national police force in order to be able to fight conventional and new-dimensional crime.

According to Awaloedin the next police development program will include the raising of personnel qualifications, the enhancement of personnel, the modernization and supply of equipment and a significant rise in personnel welfare.

"However, the most important thing is the improvement of the quality of our police personnel," said Awaloedin, who was the Indonesian police chief for five years from 1978 until 1982 and is now dean of the Police Sciences High School.

"We have to continue to find ways to boost the quality of our police, so they can really protect the people and be really needed and loved by the people," said Awaloedin.

However, he said, "to get a professional police force is easier said than done."

"What's the use by having a large police force and up-to-date devices without high quality and professional personnel?" asked Awaloedin.

"The important thing is the man behind the gun, isn't it?" he added.

Another former national police chief, retired general Kunarto, said that the development of the police force should be followed by continuous efforts to improve the force's image nationwide.

"My only hope is that all the police personnel will help to improve the police's image in people's eyes," said Kunarto.

When asked to comment, National Police Chief Lt. Gen. Dibyo Widodo said that the President's plan to continue to build a strong police force will help him realize his dream, which is to have a professional police force equipped with modern technology.

"We have pledged to improve our image by taking strict action against undisciplined personnel," Dibyo said. (bsr)