Mon, 02 Oct 1995

Soeharto to inaugurate automated trading system

JAKARTA (JP): President Soeharto is scheduled to inaugurate the Jakarta Automated Trading System (JATS) of the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) at its building tomorrow.

"This launching is consistent with the JSX's strategic planning mission, which targets it to become a competitive exchange with good recognition in South East Asia by 1998," the JSX president Hasan Zein Mahmud said at a press conference over the weekend.

The JATS, which consists of trading engines, gateways and trader workstations, has been activated since May 22 to anticipate the ever increasing volume of daily stock trading on the JSX.

To coincide with the inauguration of JATS, the JSX, in cooperation with the Panglaykim Foundation, will conduct a two- day seminar, starting tomorrow, on Asia Pacific stock exchanges in the era of globalization.

Both foreign and local stock exchange experts will speak at the two-day seminar, to be held at the Jakarta Convention Center.

Foreign speakers include Kenichi Ohmae, writer of The End of the Nation State: the Rise of Regional Economics; Charles Coe, manager of Capital Market and Industrial Division of the Manila- based Asian Development Bank; Syed Abdul-Jabbar Shahabuddin, chief executive of the Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange; and Ismail Dalla, president of Washington Asset Management International.

Local speakers

Local speakers include Bacelius Ruru, chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency Bank Indonesia Governor J. Soedradjad Djiwandono and a number of economists, such as Djisman Simandjuntak and Sjahrir.

In addition to the seminar, the JSX will also provide a free- of-charge clinic on the JATS system and hold a stock exchange photo exhibition at the Jakarta Convention Center. At the exhibition hall, JSX will provide a direct real-time information monitor from JSX's trading floor. (rid)