Sun, 09 Jan 2005

Sitinjo, a unique spiritual tourism site

Besalicto S. T., Contributor, Sitinjo, North Sumatra

Imagine you are on top of a mountain surrounded by forests. The slightly overcast sky seems close to you. Around you there are only trees.

Through the trees you can see a wide valley below. In the distance is a chain of thousands of mountains, shrouded in beautiful blues. And quiet. Only birdsong occasionally breaking the total silence.

Such is the environment found at a spiritual tourism site in Sitinjo, about nine kilometers to the east of Sidikalang, the capital city of Dairi regency in North Sumatra province.

Sidikalang is a mountainous city about 160 kilometers to the west of Medan. The regency is located on the western flank of Lake Toba, the biggest lake in Asia. Part of the beautiful lake can be seen at Lae Pondom on the way to Sitinjo.

Dairi Regent M.P. Tumanggor said that due to its mountainous topography his administration has developed the Sitinjo area as a spiritual tourism site.

All religions have shown that mountains and sky are two combined things that can bring you closer to God. "I think the mountainous area of Sitinjo can create such a spiritual environment for visitors," Tumanggor said recently.

He said they had built five houses of worship for the major religions -- a mosque for Islam, a Catholic and Protestant church, and a Hindu and Buddhist temple, on a 13-hectare area on top of the Sitinjo mountain.

Other facilities have also been provided to cater for religious activities, such as a simulation of the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, and a religious retreat for Christians.

For visitors who want to stay for several days, there is a small inn which can accommodate about 100 visitors. But since the area is only nine kilometers from Sidikalang, visitors can also stay in a hotel in the regency's capital.

According to the regent, the tourism site will increase tolerance among followers of the five religions as they can see and visit each other's houses of worship.

"There you can see a Muslim enter the church and see for themselves what it is and how its believers practice their religion. Or a Christian enter the mosque and to take a closer look at the religion."

Because of its uniqueness, there being nothing else like it in Indonesia, a number of high ranking officials have made a visit to Sitinjo. Among them are Bagir Manan when he was the head of the Supreme Court, Army Chief of Staff Ryamizard Ryacudu, Said Agil Al Munawar when he was Minister for Religious Affairs during the administration of President Megawati Soekarnoputri, and of course North Sumatra Governor T. Rizal Nurdin.

The regent said the numbers of visitors to the site are increasing. Since its development last year, the site had been visited by around 1,500 people, including those from Jakarta. But until now only a few foreign tourists have visited the area, he noted.

"Maybe it's because the place is not yet being promoted through travel bureaus. So we need to do more publicity," he said. "But next year (2005), we'll market a spiritual tourism package through the travel bureaus and will provide a guide for foreign tourists. I think amid the current crisis at the national level and religious conflicts in some parts of the world, people need this kind of tourism."