Sun, 15 Oct 2000

Sirloin Italian-style with Parmesan

JAKARTA (JP): Chef Gabriele Noe from Il Mare restaurant uses Parmesan cheese and a rosemary flavored sauce to make a mouthwatering sirloin.

Grilled Sirloin with Shaved Parmesan and Rosemary Butter

* 180 grams beef sirloin * 40 grams Parmesan cheese, sliced * 30 grams butter * 5 grams rosemary, fresh sprigs * 60 grams mashed potatoes (made from boiled potatoes, milk, sprinkled Parmesan, butter, salt and pepper) * 60 grams fresh tomatoes * 50 grams oyster mushrooms * 40 grams leeks * Olive oil

1) Slice tomatoes and saute with oyster mushrooms until cooked. Remove from heat.

2) Slice leeks, cook on low heat on stove top for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove and set aside.

3) Rub beef with olive oil and cook to taste (Noe recommends medium rare for best flavor).

4) Slice into the beef horizontally, and fill cuts with slices of shaved Parmesan.

5) Arrange on a plate the mashed potatoes, topped by the tomatoes, leeks and finally sirloin.

6) For the sauce, heat the butter and rosemary until "noisette" (nut-brown). Drizzle over the sirloin.