Wed, 28 Aug 2002

Should parents let children keep pets at home?

Donya Betancourt, Pediatrician,

Children are good with animals, especially when given the chance to have a pet.

However, there are a few things to be concerned about when selecting a pet for your child. Here are a few tips to help you decide when the time is right for selecting a pet for your child.

The number one concern is keeping your child's developmental stage in mind. He or she has to understand that this is going to be his or her pet and they have to agree to take care of it.

Before bringing the pet home, discuss with your child the needs of the animal and everything that is involved in caring for it. Books on pet care from the library or the pet store can help a child understand what is expected of him or her. So can a visit to a friend who has a pet, where your youngster can see firsthand what the actual daily care of a pet involves.

In the event that your child loses interest in caring for the pet several weeks or months after the family adopts it, what can you do?

Someone else in the family might be willing to take over the responsibility, but if not, let your child know that you are unwilling to jeopardize the well-being of the pet because of his or her neglect. Unless his or her interest in the animal changes, you are going to have to find another home for it.

During this discussion, do not accuse your child of any personal inadequacy. Instead, be as logical as possible, saying something like: "The dog needs a dependable caretaker, and you have not followed through on your promise. We need to find another family who can care for him."

Next comes choosing an animal whose needs can be met by your child. Some pets, such as dogs or cats, require daily attention. They have to be fed, groomed, picked up after and exercised. Others, such as fish, turtles, birds, guinea pigs and hamsters, demand minimal care and may be a good choice for younger children who need to learn about what is involved in having a pet. For example, a gold fish requires feeding only every two to three days, with its water changed only periodically. In contrast, a dog cannot be neglected for even a single day.

The third option to consider is safety. Some pets have an easygoing temperament conducive to being around children. Dogs such as retrievers and beagles tend to be gentle with kids, while other breeds, such as boxers, German shepherds, pit bulls, Doberman pinschers and miniature French poodles may be more unpredictable. Keep the animal's characteristics in mind when selecting a pet.

The fourth point to consider is allergy problems or medical concerns. The dander from dead skin cells, shedding hair and feathers of some animals can evoke allergic symptoms in certain children. If your child has allergies, either eczema, hay fever or asthma, or if your family has a strong history of allergic disorders, bringing a pet home, which will pollute the environment, may not be a good idea. You should probably consult your pediatrician before adopting an animal.

Fifth, almost every type of pet is a potential source of disease that can infect your child. All reptiles can carry and transmit salmonella, which could cause serious diarrhea. However, as long as your child practices reasonable hygiene, especially washing their hands after playing with a pet and before eating, they should be safe. Children whose immune systems are suppressed need to be especially careful, and generally should avoid most pets.

Buy pets only from reputable breeders and shelters. Otherwise you increase the risk of purchasing an ill or diseased animal and endangering your child and yourself. Having a pet makes your child understand about responsibility, love and caring. It is a beautiful experience that you can give your child.

One thing for sure is if you do not like pets, you do not have to try to give your child a pet. There are many other methods to convey the idea of responsibility to your child. He or she will grow up and be a good person as long as you keep an open mind and continue giving him or her the chance to simply be themselves. Good parenting.