Shanghai ballet next week
JAKARTA (JP): The Shanghai Ballet Troupe will enliven the 5th anniversary of the restitution of Indonesian-Chinese diplomatic relations here next week.
Chairman of the organizing committee Tadjudin Hidayat said that the troupe will perform on July 10. The venue is still to be decided.
Jakarta severed diplomatic ties with Beijing after Indonesia accused China of backing a bloody coup attempt in 1965 that the Indonesian government blamed on the Indonesian Communist Party.
The dancing group is in Indonesia under the sponsorship of the Indonesia-China Economic, Social and Culture Institute, the Indonesian Red Cross and PT Indojasa Pamerpromo.
Last week, the troupe staged its first performance in a hotel in Jakarta before it went to Surabaya.
According to Antara, the group is also scheduled to entertain 8,000 members of the Indonesian Armed Forces on July 14 before it flies back to China. (pan)