Shadow puppet shows to be held
SURAKARTA, Central Java: Coordinating Minister for Security and Political Affairs Soesilo Soedarman will open on Saturday a grand occasion for lovers of traditional shadow puppet (wayang) performances.
A total of 50 famous dalang (puppet masters) from various cities will hold the shows for 50 consecutive nights as part of Surakarta's contribution to the 50th anniversary of Indonesia's independence next month.
The first show will be given by the maestro of wayang puppetry himself, Ki Haji Anom Suroto. Another dalang of no less fame, Ki Manteb Soedarsono, will display his story telling skills during the concluding show.
Organizer Ichwan Dardiri said on Wednesday that 83 dalang had requested to take part in the event, but the committee was forced to select only 50. One wayang show usually lasts all night.
The committee will also elect the ten best dalang and provide each with trophies from ten ministers. A trophy from President Soeharto and a money prize of Rp 2.5 million will be given to the most favorite dalang. (swe)