Thu, 25 Jul 1996

Seven netted in drug raid

JAKARTA (JP): The North Jakarta Police have charged an executive of Hailai International Executive Club and six other people for possession of marijuana and Ecstasy.

Jakarta Police Spokesman Lt. Col. Iman Haryatna told reporters yesterday that Hendro Sumampouw, 38, the executive of one of the largest discotheques in town, and the other six suspects were apprehended in a predawn raid on Tuesday.

Police said they found 20 marijuana cigarettes, 76 Ecstasy pills and a syringe in the offenders' possession, Iman said.

According to a report made by the North Jakarta Police, two and a half marijuana cigarettes and seven and a half Ecstasy pills were seized from Hendro, brother of businessman and operator of overseas casinos Robby Sumampouw.

"All of the suspects are currently detained at the police office, waiting for their dossiers to be completed," Iman said.

The other six suspects were identified as businessman Wilson Silha, 39, and private company employees Frangki Janto Tjahjadi, 28, Andhy Slamet Riyadi, 38, Leo Lumandong, 32, Alpin Castille, 27, and Yusuf Pranata, 24.

The arrests were carried out without the knowledge of Hailai employees.

"We don't know if Pak (Mr) Hendro was arrested," receptionist Suryo told The Jakarta Post yesterday evening.

According to Iman, the raid carried out by 192 personnel from the North Jakarta Police department is part of a routine operation to help reduce the number of crimes, including drug offenses, in the city.

"We pledge to send all of the suspects to jail as soon as possible," the spokesman said.

If found guilty, Hendro and the six people, believed to be visitors at the discotheque, could face maximum imprisonment of six years and a maximum fine of Rp 10 million (US$4,255).

Earlier, many alleged that the Jakarta Police might not want to take the risk of arresting certain people who have close a relationship with high-ranking officials.

Last week, Jakarta Police Chief Maj. Gen. Hamami Nata denied the allegation. (bsr)