Tue, 09 Sep 2003

Seniors sentenced for abuse

JAKARTA: The South Jakarta District Court sentenced on Monday four female students to three months in jail with an eight month probation period, for abusing 17 students from SMUN 82 high school, in South Jakarta, in 2002.

Presiding Judge Bahtiar ANS found Samira, Irene Fransisca, Meli Moranti Putri and Meriansa Putri guilty as charged in accordance with the Criminal Code Article 335 (1) on indecent conduct.

On July 17, 2002, the 17 high school students were abused by their seniors -- who had already graduated at that time -- in a school tradition called "One Day."

The 17 students were physically mistreated, and therefore filed a report with Kebayoran Baru Police Subprecinct.--Antara