Fri, 19 Jul 1996

Selective or discriminatory?

My son is a student in San Jose, USA, and is a mature and sensible person. He is Indonesian and wants to return to this country when he graduates in two years time. His Indonesian girlfriend had been saving for a short visit to go and see him, had purchased her ticket with confirmed reservations, secured her parents' reluctant "yes" and obtained two weeks holiday from work, so that she could just spend two weeks of June in the United States before returning and my son starting his summer semester.

All was prepared and well until she went to the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta to apply for a two-week tourist visa. Then all their plans fell flat. Santi's application was rejected due to some unclear reason like "her passport is new (?), she'll travel alone (?)". Jakarta-LA on Garuda can't be all that difficult!

I encouraged her to try again thinking that there must be some mistake and in the meantime Santi had received a recommendation letter from her boss, a letter of invitation from my son, stating where she would stay while in the U.S. and guaranteeing her prompt return. He also enclosed his SS number and student card. Santi in addition brought her bank account statement and all other relevant documents.

The second try, however, was just as negative as the first and Santi told me that the visa officer had not even cared to read the material she brought. I called the U.S. Embassy once asking for an explanation but received a less than friendly message that I could write or call later, giving me the distinct impression that I was probably wasting my own as well as everybody else's time. Now, would somebody kindly explain to me the reason behind two rejected applications for a simple tourist visa?

During my travels in Java and Bali I have met many, many young American tourists -- male and female. Before I jump to any conclusion like sexual discrimination or some "other" discrimination with an ugly name, would some body in charge please try to give a good reason why an Indonesian working, mature female cannot go to the U.S. and visit a friend for two weeks?

