Sun, 07 Jul 1996

Security problems in Bekasi

From Media Indonesia

If we evaluate the recent crimes occurring in Bekasi (Media Indonesia, July 3, 1996), a serious picture of security problems in that region would unfold.

Such a condition certainly does not set one's mind at peace and this does not apply to Bekasi citizens only, it affects the general public too. To Bekasi residents, the incidents are not just unsettling, they are unnerving.

If nothing is done about the situation, it may not only create a bad image for Bekasi, but will also reflect on the image of the Bekasi police.

Security matters in a region cannot possibly be entirely thrust upon to the police, who have to cope with a limited number of personnel. But a police unit whose responsibility it is to guarantee security in a certain area should draft alternative systems to handle the area's security problems.

All Bekasi residents and I long for security against crimes. Residents will surely participate in security programs.

Bekasi residents are now looking forward to real action from the police that warrant security and a lower crime rate.

In the framework of the Police's 50th anniversary on July 1, successful crime prevention in Bekasi will reflect on the police's existence and image in the region.


Bekasi, West Java