Scientists reach out to children
BOGOR: A professor of the school of forestry at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) shared his secret for staying fit and young to a child.
"I eat a termite queen once a week," said Dodi Nandika.
The professor is one of the institute's scientists who is taking part in a television program called Ta-Ti-Tu (Knowledge, Creativity and Adventure) which is aimed at introducing sciences to children.
"In one of the programs, we introduce the children to the life cycle of termites and how they can be useful to humans," IPB spokesman Agus Lelana told Antara on Sunday, on the sidelines of taping at the institute's campus in Dermaga subdistrict.
The production manager of Auvikomunikasi Media Prima (Avikom) -- the producer of the program, Iwan Perwira, said they started filming for the Termite episode on Jan. 19.
"The next episode to be filmed at IPB campus is Plants Need the Sun," he said. -- Antara