Wed, 19 Mar 1997

Schon collects bridge hands

By Djanwar Madjolelo

JAKARTA (JP): Some people collect postage stamps, matchboxes, paintings or vintage bottles but the United Kingdom's Erwin Schon collects interesting bridge hands from all over the world.

The diagram below is the hand he was dealt by Giorgio Belladonna, Italy, the greatest player in the world who led the world rankings from 1957 to 1975. He died May 12, 1995.

G. Belladonna invented the "Flore Romana" (Roman Club) play: 1 Club opening is very strong and Canape Style: the second suit is always longer than the first.

Dealer : South

Vulnerable: North-South


(S) A 4 9 6 2

(H) void

(D) A K 9 8 6 5 2

(C) J 3


(S) 3 (S) K Q J 10

(H) 9 8 5 2 (H) 7 4 3

(D) J 10 7 (D) Q 4 3

(C) A 10 8 6 2 (C) 9 7 4


(S) 8 7 5

(H) A K Q J 10 6

(D) void

(C) K Q 5


G. Belladonna Erwin Schon

1C Pass 1D Pass

1S Pass 4S Double

6H Double Redouble All pass

"My redouble was naturally expressing utter annoyance at this turn of events," Erwin Schon said.

West led Spade 3.

"When Giorgio saw my dummy, he thanked me for redoubling and immediately played the Ace of Spades. He then cashed Ace and King of Diamonds and to my amazement discarded King and Queen of Club from his hand."

The next Diamond Giorgio trumped in hand with Ace of Hearts, noting that both opponents followed suit.

Then Giorgio drew trumps in four rounds, discarding three Spades and one Diamond from dummy. Then he got off leading his 5 Clubs, looking expectantly at West. If this player had not taken his Ace, his side would have not had a single trick.

His magnificent play needs congratulating.