Thu, 09 Dec 1999

Save the Omo Hada site

The North Sumatra Heritage (NSH) group is a non-governmental organization which focuses on development and cultural advocacy in Medan, North Sumatra. One of our agendas is campaigning for the preservation of Oma Hada, the royal palace complex in Hilinawalao Mazingo Village in Nias regency. Built in 1715 by Sihola Bu'ulolo, none of the buildings on the site have received serious conservation treatment and many suffer from leaking roofs and insect infestation.

Today, according to a list put out by World Monument Watch, Omo Hada is among the 100 most endangered sites in the world. There are many cultural assets in North Sumatra, but so far only a few people and institutions are interested in their care. We hope the damage to the Omo Hada site can be prevented as soon as possible. If not restored, it will disappear from the face of the earth. So it is time for the North Sumatra government and locals to pay serious attention to this endangered site and other cultural assets in North Sumatra. Let's save Omo Hada.


Executive director, NSH
