Thu, 03 Aug 1995

Saudi-Syrian talks

The just-concluded joint commission meeting in Damascus was a major event in this year's regional political calendar.

The cooperation is the result of the identical vision of the leaders of the two nations. A joint communique issued at the end of the meeting highlighted the deep-rooted ties binding the two nations and stressed the need for increasing cooperation at the bilateral level and in the Arab and international arenas.

The regional and international situation also came up for review during the meeting. It was felt that though four years had passed since the Madrid conference began, substantial progress had not been achieved in the Middle East peace process.

The blame for the present state of affairs must rest with Israel. For a comprehensive peace, which is the aim of all Arabs, Israel must quit the Golan Heights and South Lebanon, in compliance with the provisions of U.N. resolutions 242, 338 and 425.

The two nations also expressed concern to the co-sponsors of the peace process and urged them to exert more pressure to prevent Israeli expansionism in the occupied territories.

The communique also called on Israel to sign a nuclear non- proliferation treaty and expressed sympathy for the plight of the Iraqi people. Baghdad was also asked to comply with all the U.N. resolutions pertaining to its aggression against Kuwait.

In short, the meeting reflected the oneness of thinking of both nations on almost all matters of international concern.

--The Riyadh Daily