Sun, 13 Apr 1997

Sale of liquor in supermarkets

From Republika

The sale of liquor, the source of all evil, in supermarkets, at a time when the government is fighting its advance in the country, strikes us as controversial. Even a supermarket, Indomart, located in the center of a village in East Jakarta, is selling alcohol. Patrons of the supermarket are not only adults, there are also children.

The following incident took place on March 30, 1997, at 5 p.m. Two children wanted to purchase a can of beer in that shop. Because they were short of cash, the cashier suggested they change the item for a cheaper drink. This caused one of the kids to ask: "What sort of drink is this then?" They put the can back.

In all honesty, I am concerned because it came to light that the child did not know what he was buying. If he had not been buying liquor, I would not have minded helping him out.

Is nothing being done about incidents such as this?

Businesspeople seem to be concerned only with profit-making, without giving a thought to the affect their selling items, like alcohol, could have on the younger generation.

Is the presence of such a supermarket amid traditional shops really justified?

