Sat, 18 Nov 2000

Sacred dance performed for Queen's birthday

By Tiwi and Erry

YOGYAKARTA (JP): The Sultan of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, observes the old customs by celebrating special days according to traditions passed from one sultan to the next.

Ten years ago, when the Sultan's father, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, was officially declared a national hero, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X commissioned a huge commemoration further honoring his father.

For the occasion he composed a sacred bedaya dance called Bedaya Sang Amurwabumi assisted by a professional palace dancer, the late Sasmintomardawa. For the dancers' costumes and make-up, he asked the help of Tienuk Riefki, well-known for her ability in such glamorous affairs.

Originally, the Bedaya Sang Amurwabumi was staged for two hours, but recently, when it was performed to celebrate Queen Hemas's birthday, it was shortened to 30 minutes.

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Queen Hemas's daughters, princesses Nurmalitasari and Nurmagupita Suryokusumo were among the dancers that performed at the birthday celebration.

In order to accomplish a worthy performance, the two princesses, who spend much of their time abroad, practiced for a month.

Sacred dances are usually staged by a group of nine dancers. But the Bedaya Manten dance, composed by the late Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and is an exception. It is performed by six male dancers.

The Bedaya dance, based on Javanese mythology, reflects the philosophy, culture, religion, ethic and moral values passed on from the ancients.

For instance, Bedaya Sang Amurwabumi is derived from Serat Pararaton, the Book of Majapahit Kings, dealing with the marriage of Sang Amurwabumi (Ken Arok) with Prajnaparamita (Ken Dedes). The couple's offsprings later became kings in Java island.

Bedaya Sang Amurwabumi symbolizes spirit, patriotism and leadership. In Javanese culture, a king is considered as a great figure to face gara-gara, or chaotic situation. According to Java mythology, leadership does not merely depend on blood (kinship) but also on wahyu (vision), prestige and achievements.