Wed, 27 Jan 1999

Russia needs strong leadership

President Boris Yeltsin's latest illness makes the situation in Russia even more delicate than it was before. The "deep coma" of the Russian economy, which has had serious repercussions on the world markets could become even more critical in the absence of a clear political leadership.

For several months now, Yeltsin has been turning over most responsibilities to (Prime Minister Yevgeny) Primakov. For this reason, both opposition parties and foreign investors are calling for early elections. Despite his public denials, even Primakov would now welcome the possibility, being considered Yelstin's most likely successor.

A strong political leadership, capable of reassuring the international markets, is the only possibility Russia has to rebuild its economy.

If this uncertainty and this unclear "balance of powers" continues, even those investors who believe Russia can still find a way out of the crisis would definitively abandon their investments.

-- La Republica, Rome