Tue, 18 Feb 1997

Robber shoots policeman dead

JOMBANG, East Java: One of two cornered robbers who failed in their attempt to plunder a gold shop Sunday fatally shot a police officer during a high-speed chase, police said yesterday.

Their attempt to rob the store belonging to Haji Mansyur ended in disarray after Mansyur repeatedly screamed Allahu Akbar (God is great) to attract bystanders' attention.

Police officers who rushed to the scene were helped by ojek (motorcycle taxi) drivers in the pursuit that ended with the robbers being cornered when their motorbike stalled.

As two police officers approached them, one of the criminals fired at First Sergeant Yani, witnesses said. The robbers then snatched a motorcycle from an ojek driver, leaving their stalled motorcycle at the scene.

Jombang Police Precinct Chief Lt. Col. Dedi Setiadi Purnomo said the authorities did not have any clues as to the criminals' whereabouts. (pan)