Roads to Cinere in bad shape
The Cinere area in southern Jakarta has many attractions which receive less than the potential business because of the terrible condition of Jl. Karang Tengah and Jl. Cinere Lebak Bulus.
As recent residents of Villa Cinere Mas we invited friends to come from all over Jakarta to play golf, shop at the Cinere Mall and other stores, and eat in local restaurants.
They come once, but refuse to come again due to the dangerous and slow roads. Instead they say we must come to an area where the roads are better.
We feel sorry for the hard working people in this area for the lost revenue, and the image that Cinere is an impossible area to reach especially during rainy season.
Pedestrians and passengers are in danger as the holes are so big that vehicles leave the road and cross over into oncoming traffic.
When will enough residents and businesses petition the government to repair the roads listed above? Will it be after some child is killed?
We hope not. We hope immediate repairs are already scheduled as the rains are coming and even fewer people will bring their money to Cinere causing everyone to lose even more as the danger increases.
We love living in Cinere except for the roads, the danger and the lost income we see each day particularly on those two roads mentioned above.
As foreigners having the privilege of living in Indonesia it is not our place to tell the Indonesian government to do anything. We can only hope that not one precious life will be lost or one hard working Indonesian business will fail.
Cinere, Jakarta