Mon, 22 Oct 2001

Rizieq's strategy

Al Habib Muhammad Rizieq bin Husein Shihab, commander of the Islamic Defenders Front, said recently that "I know that sweeping is wrong and the Americans are not guilty, with the exception of those who are spying for their country. If there are Muslim leaders who disagree with this sweeping, but express it in a civil and friendly way within the context of democracy, we can understand and accept their opinions". (Rakyat Merdeka, Oct. 19, 2001)

The plan for sweeping against foreigners according to Rizieq is not an act of terror and does not violate the law. It is but an expression of the accumulation of disappointments caused by the arrogance of the Americans who are fighting Islam. (Rakyat Merdeka, Oct.6, 2001)

The following is my own conclusion on Rizieq's statements on sweeping.

1. The target of his sweeping is Americans who are spying for their country. So Americans who are doing business here or working in the embassy are not included.

2. In his interview with Rakyat Merdeka he only mentioned Americans, other foreign nationalities are excluded.

3. To find out who is spying needs time. It would take a long time to conduct an investigation and to make a decision. As he is familiar with the Criminal Code, he knows that provoking people to commit a crime and issuing threats are a crime, therefore Rizieq will be very careful in what he does.

As a democrat, politician and religious leader, all his statements are aimed at gaining popularity and a large number of followers, which perhaps he needs for the 2004 general election.

