Thu, 27 Jan 2005

Rip Curl assists tsunami survivors

PT Ripindo or Rip Curl Indonesia, in cooperation with the organization Indonesian Development of Education and Permaculture (IDEP) and the Tsunami Relief Initiative-Bali Patok, Ubud, has established Rip Curl Indian Ocean Aid.

Rip Curl Indonesia has donated Rp 213 million to tsunami survivors through the IDEP foundation, while Rip Curl Australia donated around Rp 143,500 million and Rp 200,000 million, directly managed by Robert Wilson from Rip Curl Indonesia.

Rip Curl Indian Ocean Aid comprises shipments of medical first-aid and equipment, food and drinking water, cooking utensils and water pumps. Shipment of these supplies was destined for people on Simeuleu island and Calang on the mainland of North Sumatra. Calang is situated between Banda Aceh and Meulaboh. -- JP