Three months ago riots broke out, triggered apparently by excessive discrimination against a certain ethnic group. The riots were underlined by envy, greed and mutual suspicion. Why have all these traits been made a reason to destroy our own nation?
Some say that ethnic Chinese refrain from mixing with the indigenous. I wish to stress here that I am of Chinese descent and that I went to a government school which usually takes only four students of Chinese descent every year. I made a lot of friends there. I strongly object to the allegation that ethnic Chinese uphold exclusivity and cannot socialize with other groups.
I do not wish to dig up past events. Why don't we join hands to build this nation?
Look outside: forest fires, inundation, wars in various countries. Don't you all realize that God is now punishing us?
I don't know whether what I have written will touch any feelings. But, again, look at this world, which is getting older. I am warning you all: Wake up, doomsday will come sooner than expected!