Thu, 27 Feb 1997

'Riot won't affect migration'

JAKARTA (JP): The ethnic conflict in West Kalimantan has nothing to do with the state-sponsored transmigration program, a minister said yesterday.

Minister of Transmigration Siswono Yudohusodo said the conflict between indigenous Dayaks and migrants from Madura would not affect the resettlement program in any way.

He argued that the conflict, believed to have claimed hundreds of lives, involved mostly people from outside transmigration sites.

A resettlement unit in West Kalimantan and elsewhere always consists of people from several provinces, including indigenous people.

"All units are occupied by resettlers from Madura, Java, Bali and Flores and Dayaks. They live side by side and protect each other," he said.

He promised the government would rebuild the hundreds of transmigrants' houses destroyed in the unrest. (imn)