Tue, 20 Mar 2001

RI to learn from S. African reconciliation

JAKARTA (JP): An international conference on national reconciliation will be held on Thursday to help seek a solution to the rising tension and conflicts by making observations from the experiences of South Africa.

The one-day conference, entitled "National Reconciliation: Learning from the South Africa experience", will be attended by prominent figures from South Africa who were directly involved with the reconciliation process in the post-apartheid era.

President Abdurrahman Wahid is scheduled to open the event on Wednesday at the State Palace, while Minister of Foreign Affairs Alwi Shihab will give opening remarks at the event itself.

Organized by the Center of Empowering for Reconciliation and Peace of Krida Wacana Christian University (PPRP-UKRIDA), the conference will also invite Muslim scholar Nurcholish Madjid, and UKRIDA's Judo Poerwowidagdo as speakers.

The event will be moderated by former Ambassador to Australia Sabam Siagian and sosiologist Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono. (bby)