Mon, 10 Mar 2003

RI protest shows of support for Aceh independence

Nani Farida and Apriadi Gunawan, The Jakarta Post, Lhokseumawe, Medan

The government plans to file a complaint with the Joint Security Committee (JSC) against the hoisting of Free Aceh Movement (GAM) flags and shouts demanding independence by locals during the inauguration of a peace zone in the Pidie regency district of Tiro on Saturday.

Sr. Comr. Adjie R. Ramdja, an Indonesian representative on the JSC, said on Sunday that "the moves were provocative and must not be allowed to happen during the peace development process in Aceh".

"The JSC has agreed not to tolerate provocative actions," he claimed, referring to the peace monitors from the Henry Dunant Centre (HDC), which facilitated the signing of the Cessation of Hostilities agreement in Geneva last year.

A show of support for independence was also mounted during the inauguration of another peace zone in the Bireun district of Peusangan on Saturday.

Adjie said the moves violated an agreement between the government, GAM and JSC that prohibited any moves in support of independence for the natural-resource rich province.

A representative of GAM on the JSC, Teungku Nashiruddin bin Ahmed, said that GAM had no prior knowledge about the show of support for independence in Tiro.

"We must understand that they have been under pressure for a long time," he said, adding that the moves were spontaneous.

HDC spokesman in Aceh David Gorman said that the center would continue promoting the truce among the locals.

He said the Cessation of Hostilities agreement only dealt with improving security and did not stipulate anything about a referendum or independence options.

The agreement, aimed at ending the 26-year-long conflict in Aceh, requires GAM to disarm and the military to pull back its troops from peace zones around Aceh and to change its aggressive positions into defensive ones, as well as for the Mobile Brigade paramilitary police to be converted into a regular law enforcement institution.

Later on Sunday, the JSC inaugurated two more peace zones in the North Aceh district of Simpang Kramat and East Aceh district of Idi Tunong respectively. No incidents were reported during these ceremonies.

Separately in the North Sumatra capital of Medan, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ryamizard Ryacudu denied military involvement in the recent attack on the JSC offices in the Central Aceh district of Takengon, which had been declared a peace zone.

Two monitors were wounded during the mob attack last week while several monitors were taken hostage for several hours. The monitoring team has been temporarily withdrawn to Banda Aceh but will resume its activities pending an investigation of the incident and the renovation of the offices.

The military say the attack was sparked by the JSC's failure to heed the complaints of pro-Jakarta residents regarding alleged extortion by GAM, while GAM says the attackers were members of Jakarta-funded militias.

Ryamizard described any parties accusing the military of being involved in the attack as traitors.

Referring to the mob, he said those who opposed the rebel group "must be defended instead of being accused".