Fri, 16 Jul 1999

Revolution in thinking

The process of democracy in Indonesia seems very complicated. Democracy should bring a lot of good, but it now appears to be complex and anarchical.

Many people worry that if the current models of democracy persist, an impression will be created that the New Order regime was better, more orderly and more prosperous even though that would be a great mistake.

If we want to make democracy more effective, we must start "learning" the true meaning of democracy.

Comrades in arms, let us reflect on the conditions of the life of the Indonesian community, which is lagging far behind the "normal" way of life in more developed countries. It has meant that my colleagues in the Democratic People's Party (PRD) who are trying to introduce an ideal concept in Indonesia cannot be wholly accepted.

These colleagues from the PRD who want to bring a fresh wind of change to the country have become the target of the security forces. How unfortunate!

All of us with open minds for the enforcement of justice and the enlightenment of the Indonesian people, let us jointly, before we carry the song of physical revolution, push all intellectuals to launch a revolution of thinking to begin with us. We can see from current happenings that not all Indonesian people are aware of the meaning of truth and reform, so that whatever brilliant concept we propose is doomed to come to nothing.

The only therapy now applicable is an equitable distribution of knowledge in the community and the elimination of fear to say no, so that what we want as an ideal will be supported by the people. Only then will the light of truth shine through. We should not become a community that merely loves the flag and that does not know in what direction Indonesia must go.

Comrades in arms, wherever you are, if you are concerned with an improvement in the condition of this country, let us jointly enlighten the people. We should not do things that make the nation more ignorant, which we have often witnessed in the past.

We are all aware that we have just woken from a 32-year-long deep sleep and we do not know anything. The age of democracy is still young. Let us start learning how to sit, to crawl, to stand and, later, to run and join forces to carry the torch of freedom. I wish that our joint struggle will bear its fruits under the umbrella of truth.

