Tue, 08 Jun 2004

Return to pre-Kartini era?

Upon reading an article in the June 4 edition of The Jakarta Post about a group of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) clerics who said women should not become president, I was really amazed and considered it to be degrading to women.

If their capabilities are proven, why should they not be allowed to become leaders? Wasn't Cut Nyak Dhien a warrior and a great female leader? Will Indonesian women be forced back into the era before Kartini, who fought for women's emancipation?

I strongly agree with the rector who said the fatwa was a step back for Indonesian democracy. Eep Syaifullah Fatah, a political analyst, raised the question: How will Indonesia progress if Koranic verses are still used to justify a political stance? He also believes this is a kind of child's politics.

As a devout Muslim woman, I am really disappointed that the sacred verses are being manipulated for political purposes.

Let the people vote for the president and vice president of their choice, in accordance with their consciences.