Responsiveness needed
Responsiveness is urgently needed whenever we are faced with signs of danger or disaster. By responsive, I mean we should act quickly and accurately according to our capacity without waiting for lengthy explanation.
This year's forest fires have been declared a national disaster by President Soeharto. Obviously all the President's assistants should be responsive to the hints and make a prompt effort to effectively overcome the catastrophe, in line, of course, with their respective competence. The ministries of defense and security; home affairs; social services; agriculture; environment and other institutions should welcome the statement from the President.
However, there is an impression that the Ministry of Religious Affairs and its regional offices have not done enough in this matter. The ministry should be responsive to the situation that is causing great concern by appealing to all religious followers to pray to God according to their respective religious teachings. Particularly Moslems, who have the guidance for saying Istiqo Prayers to pray for rain abundant enough to save our forests, yet not in an excessive amount which would cause floods, land slides or other disasters.
This is to prove that religion is not merely a vehicle to reach the hereafter, but can also be utilized to solve worldly problems. Religious and worldly lives are indispensable.