Wed, 22 Jun 1994

Residents hail new mayor

SURABAYA, East Java: Residents of the city accompanied the newly-installed mayor Col. Sunarto Soemoprawiro in a procession in the city streets after his induction on Monday.

Dozens of artists waited outside the City Council's building until the end of the installment ceremony to welcome the new mayor with cultural performances.

The artists, along with dozens of local people, then accompanied the 53-year-old Sunarto in a procession into his new official house. Vagabonds were among the people who took part in the procession.

Sunarto's induction ceremony was attended by the Brawijaya Military Commander Maj. Gen. Haris Sudarno, East Java police chief Maj. Gen. Emon Rivai Arganata and noted businessman Sudwikatmono, Antara reported. (par)