Tue, 29 Sep 1998

Requesting U.S. visa

Is America closed for young tourists from Indonesia? That is what I am wondering.

My niece applied for a tourist visa to visit the States. The trip was offered by a family member (who is working outside Indonesia and wishes to accompany her) for her successful completion of a four-year university course (Diploma has not been received).

When will this kind of opportunity ever come again? She completed all the required information, paid Rp 540,000 and to our surprise was denied a tourist visa because she is young, a student and still looking for a job.

To check that these were the real reasons for the American Embassy to reject young tourists, I personally called the embassy and spoke to the man in charge. He gave the same reasons for the rejection.

I told him if she had known those reasons beforehand she would not have submitted the application form and wasted her time and such a large amount of money.

She has a nice family, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends to come home to and I wonder if Americans only return home because they have a job.


Tangerang, West Java