Mon, 14 Jun 1999

Repressive government on its way back?

The police investigation into the secretary-general of the National Mandate Party, Faisal Basri, for his comments in Suara Merdeka which allegedly offended President B.J. Habibie, signals the possible return of a repressive government.

Freedom of expression is a human right and it does not contravene the law. Even if the allegation is true, it constitutes the right of someone to express his opinion. It is necessary to protect this freedom and the public needs to safeguard it by voicing their opinion about the matter.

The recent ban imposed on three journalists by the Attorney General's Office from covering its activities also is a deplorable act which amounts to a setback in press freedom and is yet another sign of the return of a repressive government.

The Habibie government is proud of the existence of freedom of expression and freedom of the press today and claims they are proof of a reformist government.

The two above examples, however, serve as a disclaimer.


South Jakarta