Sun, 07 Mar 1999

Reports from the street

We are so hungry, gentlemen

that we have no time to hear

your hollow statements

And try not to charm us here

with euphemistic declarations

In the street, all the day long

our stomach is full of speeches

on national development

and so tired are our eyes

after reading empty slogans

In the street we also hear

statements about equity

and the fight against poverty

Our ears are also bombarded by yells

on the virtue of veracity

But in the street as well

we witness your hypocrisy

Now we have become refractory

after we burned by scorching sun

and soaked by rains

in this struggle for life

and the fight for a can of rise

to save our family

from devastating poverty

The suffering, Sir,

has been so unbearable

While we have also been fooled

by the misleading situation

in which the wealthy

care about themselves only

By Amir Yahyapati ABY

Translated by TIS