Wed, 07 Jul 2004

Reply to BSD

I was interested to read BSD's reply on July 2 to Wildan's letter. I sympathize with Wildan because as a BSD resident I am also saddened by the recent changes.

Constant attempts by residents to meet with Dhony Rahajoe, head of public services, have been met with refusal. Residents have also asked to see the original master plan but have been met with refusal or by being ping-ponged between departments.

The original scaled model that was on display in the BSD office certainly did not have any indication of the recent construction. The Victoria Park site was certainly not on the original master plan as much of the land has just been recently purchased.

I was of the understanding that if there were any significant deviations from the original master plan they had to be with the residents agreement, not to their detriment.

With the huge increase in shops, there has been a significant increase in traffic and air pollution and the roads are suffering terribly. Should not this have been anticipated and planned for?

It seems that BSD's post-sale attitude to its customers is one of monologue only, not dialog.

What a pity that such a fine concept and a wonderful model for other real estate complexes has succumbed to the power of profit, profit, profit.

Is this the future of "city" planning? How very sad.