Thu, 30 Oct 2003

'Rent-a-crowd' rallies in Aceh must stop

Maimun, Journalist , 'Beudoh' Tabloid, Banda Aceh

The "integrated operation" in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is gaining wide support, if we are to believe the recent rallies in several parts of the province, in which participants demanded that the military operation be extended.

Unlike other rallies demanding peace or an end to the violence, the demonstrations at legislative buildings proceeded smoothly, with no arrests or shootings. At other rallies there would at least be some commotion.

The spontaneous-looking rallies raised the question of whether they were indeed genuine, given that residents here often have no choice when their lives are at stake.

The rally at the city council of Langsa, East Aceh, on Sept. 16 was one example. "In Seulalah, security personnel approached people, asking locals to gather on Tuesday for a protest at the city council. They wanted at least 100 people, who would each receive Rp 20,000," a young man was quoted as saying in about the rally.

In Bireun, a source said residents dared not oppose the security forces and were not even paid to take part in a rally. "A wrong answer could mean being hit," the source said.

It is difficult to believe that there are residents who truly want an extension of the operation, given that they have long wished for a peaceful end to the Aceh problem.

The mobilization of people, more so coercion, must stop. The people need to be empowered in terms of political awareness, not deceived and intimidated.

Loyalty to the state is not a top-down process. Sadly, it has become increasingly apparent that maintaining state sovereignty is more important than the people.

"Public participation" is limited to elections, yet people still face incrimination when it comes to the real need for forums to address their interests.

Treason, rebellion, subversion, anarchy and brutality are among the government's oft-quoted terms.

Mobilization is preferred to uphold the interests of those in power. With or without the military operation, poverty is being used for the political ends of a few.