Mon, 24 Nov 1997

Remuneration fee

On Friday, Nov. 21, I required the services of Yayasan Pendidikan Internasional and had to pay through Bank Universal. Since the charge was in U.S. dollars, I paid dollars in cash through the bank's counter located in the Menara Imperium building, Kuningan.

To my surprise, I was charged a two dollar "remuneration fee". For what service? According to the teller, the bank charges a one dollar fee for each payment slip. Two dollars may not seem much and the total transaction was in fact less than $100. But one of the slips was only for a payment of $19, so for that particular item I paid more than a five percent fee.

Since I really needed the institution's services, I paid the bank. But I would like to tell the bank that I was very unhappy about it. I brought business to the bank (by becoming a client of Yayasan Pendidikan Internasional) and they robbed me.

I urge Yayasan Pendidikan Internasional, which I believe has a booming business, to consider its partnership with the Bank.

