Sat, 12 Jun 1999

'Remember what you promised'

BENGKULU: Approximately 60 employees of a private firm in Pondok Kelapa district, North Bengkulu, demanded a political party meet its promise to give them money if they voted for the party.

Antara reported on Friday that an employee identified as Sn reported to the Bengkulu legal aid office that a Golkar member had yet to meet his promise.

He said before the June 7 poll day, he and his friends were promised Rp 25,000 each by their colleague, a Golkar member, if they voted for the party.

He said the employees were transported in public vehicles from North Bengkulu to polling places in Kepahiang district and to Kota Curup in another regency, Rejang Lebong.

The director of the legal aid office, who is also a member of the local chapter of the Independent Election Monitoring Committee (KIPP), Muspani, said he would report the case to the police.

The head of the province's chapter of Golkar, Sulaiman Effendi, said he doubted reports of the transportation of potential voters from one regency to another. He said he was surprised of "maneuvers" against the party, which was so far leading in Bengkulu.