Thu, 19 Oct 1995

Relations with Australia

Good news but also not-so-good news has come from Australia. Last week, on Oct. 10, Prime Minister Paul Keating made it clear that Australia would not grant political asylum to people fleeing the province of East Timor. On Sunday, however, there came news that was not so pleasing to hear. Australia's Foreign Minister Gareth Evans was reported to have said that there was a good possibility that Australia would ask the Indonesian government to reopen investigations on the death of five Australian journalists 20 years ago in East Timor.

Foreign Minister Gareth Evans made no clear-cut statement because of the precarious position he is in. If he were to clearly state that he would again take up the question of the death of the five journalists with the Indonesian authorities, that would indicate that he does not believe the explanations that have already been given. On the other hand it seems that he is aware of the strong emotions that are still alive among Australians, the press in particular, over the incident.

He therefore prefers to remain cautious. He will take up the issue once more only if new and stronger evidence is obtained. Such a cautious stance is the correct attitude to take because whatever one may say, the incident, which occurred 20 years ago when East Timor was abandoned by the Portuguese in a state of chaos, remains a sensitive matter.

-- Suara Karya, Jakarta